In any advanced capital market, nobody trades by themselves. They leave it to the Professional money managers. So the practice is gaining popularity in Bangladesh as individuals and Corporate do not have proper resource base and tool to analyze a particular stock or market. They do not get enough time to deal with such issues.
In order to assist clients (individuals and corporate) to invest in the market Professionally, NRBEML has introduced:
In a discretionary Account, any individual or corporate can leave the Professional money management responsibility to NRBEML Portfolio Manager. Clients would receive detail monthly Report of their Portfolio holdings.
Please talk to our Portfolio Management department. You can download the Portfolio Management Account opening FORM our download section of our website.
Al Raji Complex, Suite #G-802,803(8th Floor), 166-167 Shahed Syed Nazrul islam Sarani, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.